UNC Greensboro

UNCG Policy and Regulations on Faculty Workload

Approved by the UNCG Board of Trustees, May, 21 2024 April 25, 2024 I. Purpose: The University of North Carolina at Greensboro’s mission is to “redefine the public research university for the twenty-first century as an inclusive, collaborative, and responsive institution making a difference in the lives of students and … Continued

Draft April 25, 2024: UNCG Policy and Regulations on Faculty Workload

UNCG Policy and Regulations on Faculty Workload Draft April 25, 2024 I. Purpose: The University of North Carolina at Greensboro’s mission is to “redefine the public research university for the twenty-first century as an inclusive, collaborative, and responsive institution making a difference in the lives of students and the communities … Continued

Draft March 18, 2024: UNCG Policy and Regulations on Faculty Workload

Draft March 18, 2024 UNCG Policy and Regulations on Faculty Workload I. Purpose: The University of North Carolina at Greensboro’s mission is to “redefine the public research university for the twenty-first century as an inclusive, collaborative, and responsive institution making a difference in the lives of students and the communities … Continued

Policy on Faculty Workload

Faculty are the core means by which the University of North Carolina (UNC) System fulfills its statutory mission to “…discover, create, transmit, and apply knowledge.”i Faculty apply advanced training and education towards teaching, research/creative activity, and service in support of the mission of their individual constituent institution and the broader UNC System mission. The Board of Governors has an obligation to ensure that the constituent institutions are deploying and monitoring faculty workloads in a consistent, efficient, and effective manner across the UNC System. Continue reading…

Regulation on Faculty Workload

This regulation defines the authority, responsibilities, and required processes as related to institutional policy development for faculty workload, planning, training, and reporting in the University of North Carolina System (UNC System) regarding implementation of Section 400.3.4 of the UNC Policy Manual, Policy on Faculty Workload (“the Policy”). The Policy requires institutions to develop their own faculty workload policies and faculty workload plans and places reporting requirements on institutions and on the UNC System Office. Continue reading…

Draft February 1, 2024: UNCG Policy and Regulations on Faculty Workload

The University of North Carolina at Greensboro’s mission is to “redefine the public research university for the twenty-first century as an inclusive, collaborative, and responsive institution making a difference in the lives of students and the communities it serves.” Faculty are one of the cornerstones of this institutional mission, and they contribute to the mission through a variety of work activities, as recognized in the UNC System Policy on Faculty Workload (400.3.4). These activities include, but are not limited to, teaching, mentoring, and advising; research, scholarship, and creative activities; community engagement and directed professional activities; and institutional, professional, and public service. Continue reading…